The Essential Role of Nutrition in Self-Care


The Essential Role of Nutrition and Exercise in Self-Care Self-care is an essential aspect of wellness, encompassing both nutrition and exercise. At 3-1-5 Health Club, we emphasise the importance of this dual approach for optimal health. This blog provides insights into using nutrition and exercise as powerful tools for self-care, enhanced by our club’s specialised […]

The Foundation of Wellness


The Foundation of Wellness: Cultivating Self-Love at 3-1-5 Health Club Embracing Self-Love for Holistic Well-being At 3-1-5 Health Club, we recognise that the journey to wellness begins with a crucial foundation – self-love. In a world that often demands much from us, remembering to care for ourselves can significantly impact our overall well-being. This blog […]

The Science of Fitness

Maddy PT

The Science of Fitness Embracing the Power of Regular Exercise At 3-1-5 Health Club, we’re passionate about the transformative power of regular exercise. While numerous studies and reports, including those from health authorities, have underscored its importance, the real magic lies in experiencing these benefits firsthand. This blog explores how incorporating regular physical activity into […]

New Year, Choose You

New year choose you!

New Year, Choose You A Fresh Start for Health and Fitness at 3-1-5 Welcome to 2024! It’s not just the beginning of a new year; it’s an opportunity for a fresh start, especially in health and fitness. At 3-1-5 Health Club, we’re ready to help you turn this year into your healthiest and happiest yet. […]